from 14 years

Von Kirsten Fuchs

Empfohlen für class 8 - 13

duration: 2:05 h mit Pause

A future scenario on the climate crisis

By Kirsten Fuchs

Recommended for grades 8 - 13
Duration: 2:05 h with break

One day in the year 2034, five teenagers are waiting at a remote bus stop bus stop for the school bus. They have built planets for which they graded and on which their future at school depends. The Under no circumstances can they miss their lessons. The first bus is smoking, but the fully automatic program claims that it is not smoking. smoking. The next bus cannot continue because it is programmed not to overtake the first. that it is not allowed to overtake the first one. The young people are in the middle of nowhere and disasters threaten from all directions catastrophes: heavy rain, storms or floods. So what can they do? to reach the school in time? A race against time begins, in which the group has to deal not only with unpredictable weather, the group also has to deal with nasty bees, talking talking killer cows and their different views on the planet. have to deal with.

Content note: Use of fog and wind and sometimes loud background noise.

premiere: 18 June 2023


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press reviews

Berliner Morgenpost, Felix Müller, 19.06.2023

Von den Menschen werden aber in diesem sehenswerten und mit viel Liebe inszenierten Stück [...] nur diejenigen zu sehen sein, …
Von den Menschen werden aber in diesem sehenswerten und mit viel Liebe inszenierten Stück [...] nur diejenigen zu sehen sein, die an der Lage ebenso wenig schuld sind wie die Kühe: Jugendliche nämlich. Das Stück [...] zeigt viel Feingefühl für die Alltagsrealität junger Menschen, ist dabei aber auch mit viel Witz gesegnet.


Materialhet "Der Bus brennt" [PDF-Datei - 3.3 MB]

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