Theatre clubs

Acting in the theatre yourself and bringing a professional production to one of the most famous Berlin theatre stages – our clubs make this possible under the guidance of the theatre educators of GRIPS Theater.

For people from 8 to 11 years

Rakete Jetzt!

At Rakete Jetzt! you explore a common topic every season with a wide variety of children. You ask questions and come up with characters and stories. In weekly rehearsals, a separate theatre play is created step by step.

To the Club Rakete Jetzt!
For people from 12 to 15 years of age

Club Teleskop

The focus of the theatre play club “Die Forscher*innen” is on your topics, wishes and interests, which become the starting point for the theatre production. What are you interested in? What can you get excited about? How do you want to shape the world?

To the Club Teleskop
For people from 15 to 23 years of age

Banda Agita

For everyone who wants to do theatre themselves under professional conditions and to act on one of Berlin’s most famous theatre stages. The focus is on topics of your choice, which we work out together as a theatrical representation and bring to the stage. This takes place in weekly rehearsals as well as an intensive final rehearsal week.

To Club Banda Agita

As a rule, the clubs start in the autumn, it is not possible to join the club during the current season. Due to the large number of inquiries, it is worth registering early with the project management, who will be happy to answer all your questions.