GRIPS Foundation

The Berlin GRIPS Theater is considered the founder and important anchor point of emancipatory children's and youth theater. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the GRIPS Theater, the GRIPS Foundation was founded in spring 2019. It serves as the legal and organizational cornerstone to be able to look not only back, but also 50 years into the future.

Current Campaign

GRIPS Theater is an inspiring, locally and internationally connected place for children's and youth theater. For decades it has produced successful plays for young and young-at-heart audiences who are picked up in the reality of life and encouraged to help shape the world. BUT: The venue is bursting at the seams and the existing building on Hansaplatz is no longer sufficient. That's why we are launching the 1 MILLION Euro campaign for more GRIPS Theater on June 25, 2024.

We appreciate every donation. Become a donor and help us realize a GRIPS extension building.

Theater's trust account for the GRIPS Foundation

Inhaber: GRIPS Theater gGmbH 
IBAN: DE11 1005 0000 0190 8295 08  

Mit Ihrer Spende unterstützen Sie ein Theater der Zukunft für Kinder- und Jugendliche in 
der Mitte unserer Stadt. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Unterstützung, dass GRIPS 2.0 als Ort der Kreativität, Beteiligung und kulturellen Vielfalt auszubauen. 

Innerhalb von viereinhalb Jahren muss die Kofinanzierung der 19 Million Bundesmittel, die wir aus dem Programm KulturInvest bewilligt bekommen, gesichert sein.  
Hier hoffen wir auf die Unterstützung des Berliner Senats. Mit Ihrer Spende ermöglichen Sie uns einen Eigenanteil einzubringen und senden damit auch ein politisches Signal an die Landesverwaltung.

Sollte der Neubau nicht realisiert werden können, werden Spenden für die Erneuerung der Technik und Ausstattung im bisherigen GRIPS Theater verwendet.

GRIPS Foundation

The aim is to make GRIPS independent of political influences and the real estate market and therefore to strengthen the idea of emancipatory children and youth theatre permanently. The foundation will initially focus on GRIPS Theater in Berlin itself. With increasing establishment, the foundation also supports the international network of children and youth theatres that feel committed to the GRIPS idea of emancipatory children and youth theatre.

The GRIPS Foundation pursues exclusively charitable purposes and is a non-incorporated foundation that is managed in trust by GRIPS Theater gGmbH and is therefore represented by it in legal and business transactions.

Further information:
Andreas Joppich
Tel. 030 - 39 74 74 - 0
Email: andreas.joppich[at]