For young actors

The theater pedagogy of GRIPS offers you the opportunity to get to know our theatre and to express yourselves artistically in different ways and to connect to social debates – on stage and in other places.

PROPS go out

With the Children’s Theatre Society, we are now going from the theater stage to the city. In five neighbourhood groups, young people between the ages of 9 and 13 investigate their surroundings and find out whether children’s rights are implemented there and what they can do if this is not the case.

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Open Workshops: Art and empowerment

Our open workshop series for people aged 16 and over at GRIPS Podewil. Together with other young people you explore (artistic) different experiences of discrimination and find your strength in it.

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U20 Poetry Slam

At the U20 Poetry Slam, the stage is yours. Here you can fulfil yourself on stage and present your lyrics to a larger audience. However, you can also just watch what other young people bring on stage and exchange ideas with them.

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We at GRIPS would like to give you a theatre contact point for every global climate strike. Feel free to come to us alone, as a couple, as a group or as a whole class, let’s think together how we can be loud and colourful and come to the demonstration with us.

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Jugendliche ohne Grenzen – die GALA

Die Jugendlichen ohne Grenzen (JOG) wurden im Jahr 2005 gegründet und sind ein bundesweiter Zusammenschluss von jugendlichen Geflüchteten. Seit ihrer Gründung arbeiten sie eng mit dem GRIPS Theater zusammen, insbesondere bei der jährlichen Gala, die parallel zur Innenministerkonferenz (IMK) stattfindet. Bei der Gala wird der*die "Abschiebeminister*in des Jahres" Negativpreis verliehen und vorbildliche Initiativen ausgezeichnet, die sich für das Bleiberecht von Geflüchteten einsetzen.

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