A story about the diversity of family and the challenging search for one's own place.
Every Sunday at 4 pm Nunu goes to the playground. But no time for playing. It's the handover appointment from his mother’s house to his father’s house, from mom to dad and from dad to mom, mom to dad, mom mom, dad dad, da-mo, mo-da... week after week.
Most of the time they argue, sometimes about the weather, sometimes about the orthodontist appointment. Nunu is caught in the middle. At Dad's house, everyone constantly has to be “considerate” because there are five of them during Nunu-week and Mom just doesn't get anything when Nunu tells her about something that happened last week.
Luckily Yella, self-proclaimed superwoman or fairy godmother, understands how difficult it is to be the new one. She had to move so often that she learned to say goodbye in every language and dialect in the world. And step-, no, bonus-, well, kind of-brother Max knows how annoying the little half-, bonus-, kind of-sister actually is.
Together, the children really shake up the grown up-rules.