from 16 years

Kunst und Empowerment

Kunst und Empowerment

Empfohlen für class 10 - 12

Mit allen Sinnen!

Art and empowerment with all your senses!

Experience new ways of activism with us by using creative forms of expression to bring political activism to life. You can expect inspiring inputs from young activists and always a part that allows you to experience the whole thing with all your senses. It is important to us to get to know each other over a meal together at the end.  Be part of it!

Artistic direction Mohammed Jouni, Ellen Uhrhan

More info on Instagram kunst.und.empowerment

Please register in advance

Dates September 19 | October 17 | November 14
Further dates in March, April, May and June 2025 at

A project by GRIPS Werke e.V. in cooperation with Jugendliche ohne Grenzen, GRIPS Theater and BumF. Supported by Terre des Hommes and the Berlin Project Fund for Cultural Education.



